Command Line Tools

With DeepReg installed, multiple command line tools are available, currently including:

  • deepreg_train, for training a registration network.

  • deepreg_predict, for evaluating a trained network.

  • deepreg_warp, for warping an image with a dense displacement field.


deepreg_train accepts the following arguments via command line tools. More configuration can be specified in the configuration file. Please see configuration file for further details.

Required arguments

  • GPU:

    --gpu or -g, specifies the index or indices of GPUs for training.

    Example usage:

    • --gpu "" for CPU only

    • --gpu "0" for using only GPU 0

    • --gpu "0,1" for using GPU 0 and 1.

  • Configuration:

    --config_path or -c, specifies the configuration file for training.

    The path must end with .yaml.

    Optionally, multiple paths can be specified, and the configuration will be merged. In case of conflicts, values are overwritten by the last config file defining them.

    Example usage:

    • --config_path config1.yaml for using one single configuration file.

    • --config_path config1.yaml config2.yaml for using multiple configuration files.

Optional arguments

  • CPU allocation:

    --num_workers, if given, TensorFlow will use limited CPUs.

    By default, it uses only 1 CPUs. Setting it to non-positive values will be using all CPUs.

    Example usage:

    • --num_workers 2 for using at most 2 CPUs.

  • GPU memory allocation:

    --gpu_allow_growth or -gr, if given, TensorFlow will only grow the memory usage as is needed.

    By default, it allocates all available GPU memory.

    Example usage:

    • --gpu_allow_growth, no extra argument is needed.

  • Load checkpoint:

    --ckpt_path or -k, specifies the path of the saved model checkpoint, so that the training will be resumed from the given checkpoint.

    The path must end with .ckpt.

    By default, it starts training from a random initialization.

    Example usage:

    • --ckpt_path weights-epoch2.ckpt for reloading the given checkpoint.

  • Log directory:

    --log_dir, specifies the log directory for logging output information and results.

    By default, it is logs under the package root.

    Example usage:

    • --log_dir logs for specifying the log directory logs/ under current directory.

  • Experiment name:

    --exp_name or -n, specifies the name of an experiment (every time a training or a prediction is run), which will be used together with the log directory (via log_dir) to specify the sub-folder that saves the output information and results from individual experiments (runs).

    If this is not provided, it creates a timestamp-named sub-folder under the log_dir, by default, e.g. logs/20200810-194042/.

    Example usage:

    • --exp_name test --log_dir logs for saving under logs/test/.

    • --log_dir logs for saving under logs/20210101-120000/, assuming 20210101-120000 is current time.

    • --exp_name test for saving under DeepReg/logs/test/, assuming DeepReg is the package root.

  • Maximum number of epochs:

    --max_epochs, specifies the maximum number of epochs for training and overwrites the value defined in the configuration.

    By default, the value is -1, meaning the number of epochs will be defined by configuration.

    Example usage:

    • --max_epochs 2 for run training only for two epochs.


During the training, multiple output files will be saved in the log directory logs/log_dir, where log_dir is specified in the arguments, otherwise a timestamped folder name will be used. The output files are:

  • config.yaml is a backup of the used configuration. It can be used for prediction. In case of multiple configuration files, a merged configuration file will be saved.

  • train/ and validation/ are the directories that save tensorboard logs on metrics.

  • save/ is the directory containing saved checkpoints of the trained network.


deepreg_predict accepts the following arguments via command line tools. More configuration can be specified in the configuration file. Please see configuration file for further details.

Required arguments

  • GPU:

    --gpu or -g, specifies the index or indices of GPUs for training.

    Example usage:

    • --gpu "" for CPU only

    • --gpu "0" for using only GPU 0

    • --gpu "0,1" for using GPU 0 and 1.

  • Model checkpoint:

    --ckpt_path or -k, specifies the path of the saved model checkpoint, so that the trained model will be loaded for evaluation.

    The path must end with .ckpt.

    Example usage:

    • --ckpt_path weights-epoch2.ckpt for reloading the given checkpoint.

  • Evaluation data:

    --split, specifies in which data set the prediction is performed.

    It must be one of train / valid / test.

    Example usage:

    • --split test for evaluating the model on test split.

Optional arguments

  • CPU allocation:

    --num_workers, if given, TensorFlow will use limited CPUs.

    By default, it uses all available CPUs.

    Example usage:

    • --num_workers 2 for using at most 2 CPUs.

  • GPU memory allocation:

    --gpu_allow_growth or -gr, if given, TensorFlow will only grow the memory usage as is needed.

    By default, it allocates all availables in the GPU memory.

    Example usage:

    • --gpu_allow_growth, no extra argument is needed.

  • Log directory:

    --log_dir, specifies the log directory for logging output information and results.

    By default, it is logs under the package root.

    Example usage:

    • --log_dir logs for specifying the log directory logs/ under current directory.

  • Experiment name:

    --exp_name or -n, specifies the name of an experiment (every time a training or a prediction is run), which will be used together with the log directory (via log_dir) to specify the sub-folder that saves the output information and results from individual experiments (runs).

    If this is not provided, it creates a timestamp-named sub-folder under the log_dir, by default, e.g. logs/20200810-194042/.

    Example usage:

    • --exp_name test --log_dir logs for saving under logs/test/.

    • --log_dir logs for saving under logs/20210101-120000/, assuming 20210101-120000 is current time.

    • --exp_name test for saving under DeepReg/logs/test/, assuming DeepReg is the package root.

  • Batch size:

    --batch_size or -b, specifies the number of samples per step for prediction. If using multiple GPUs, i.e. n GPUs, each GPU will have mini batch size batch_size / n. Thus, batch_size should be divided by n evenly.

    The default value is 1.

    Example usage:

    • --batch_size 2 for using a global mini-batch size of 2.

  • Save outputs in Nifti format:

    The predicted 3D tensors can be saved in Nifti format for further calculation.

    By default, it saves outputs in Nifti format.

    Example usage:

    • --save_nifti, for saving the outputs in Nifti format.

    • --no_nifti, for not saving the outputs in Nifti format.

  • Save outputs in png format:

    The predicted 3D tensors can be saved as a slice of 2D images for quick visualization.

    As values have to be normalized between 0~255 (or 0~1) for png files (Nifti files are not impacted), all images (moving_image, fixed_image and pred_fixed_image) and displacement/velocity fields (ddf and dvf) will be normalized before being saved. Labels (moving_label, fixed_label and pred_fixed_label) are not affected as they are already within 0~1.

    By default, it saves the outputs in png format.

    Example usage:

    • --save_png, for saving the outputs in png format.

    • --no_png, for not saving the outputs in png format.

  • Configuration:

    --config_path or -c, specifies the configuration file for prediction.

    The path must end with .yaml.

    By default, it uses the configuration file saved in the directory of the given checkpoint.

    Example usage:

    • --config_path config1.yaml for using one single configuration file.


During the evaluation, multiple output files will be saved in the log directory logs/log_dir/mode where

  • log_dir is defined in arguments, or a timestamped folder name will be used;

  • mode is train or valid or test, specified by the argument.

The saved files include:

  • Metrics to evaluate the registration performance

    • metrics.csv saves the metrics on all samples. Each line corresponds to a data sample.

    • metrics_stats_per_label.csv saves the mean, median and std of each metrics on all samples with the same label index.

    • metrics_stats_overall.csv saves a set of commonly used statistics (such as mean and std) on the metrics over all samples.

  • Inputs and predictions for each pair of image.

    Each pair has its own directory and the followings tensors are saved inside if available. Tensors can be saved in Nifti format (one single file) or in png format (one folder contains all image slices, ordered by depth) or both.

    • ddf, dvf, affine

      DDF stands for dense displacement field; DVF stands for dense (static) velocity field.

      The 12 parameters of affine transformation are saved in affine.txt.

    • moving_image, fixed_image and pred_fixed_image

      pred_fixed_image is the warped moving image if the network predicts a DDF or a DVF or an affine transformation.

    • moving_label, fixed_label and pred_fixed_label under directory label_i if the sample is labeled and i is the label index.

      pred_fixed_label is the predicted label in the fixed image space. In many cases, this is equivalent to the warped moving label, if the network predicts a DDF or a DVF or an affine transformation.


deepreg_warp accepts the following arguments:

Required arguments

  • Image file:

    --image or -i, specifies the file path of the image/label.

    The image/label should be saved in a Nifti file with suffix .nii or .nii.gz. The image/label should be a 3D / 4D tensor, where the first three dimensions correspond to the moving image shape and the fourth can be a channel of features.

    Example usage:

    • --image input_image.nii.gz

  • DDF file:

    --ddf or -d, specifies the file path of the DDF.

    The DDF should be saved in a Nifti file with suffix .nii or .nii.gz. The DDF should be a 4D tensor, where the first three dimensions correspond to the fixed image shape and the fourth dimension has 3 channels corresponding to x, y, z axes.

    Example usage:

    • --image input_DDF.nii.gz

Optional arguments

  • Output directory:

    --out or -o, specifies the file path for the output.

    The path should end with .nii or .nii.gz, otherwise the output path will be corrected automatically based on the given path.

    By default, it saves the output as warped.nii.gz in the current directory.

    Example usage:

    • --out output_image.nii.gz


The warped image is saved in the given output file path, otherwise the default file path warped.nii.gz will be used.


In addition to the images in the output, DeepReg provides a set of tools with the command deepreg_vis. See more details in its usage documentation.