Local Net¶
(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)¶ Build LocalNet for image registration.
Hu, Yipeng, et al. “Weakly-supervised convolutional neural networks for multimodal image registration.” Medical image analysis 49 (2018): 1-13.
Hu, Yipeng, et al. “Label-driven weakly-supervised learning for multimodal deformable image registration,”
Image is encoded gradually, i from level 0 to D, then it is decoded gradually, j from level D to 0. Some of the decoded levels are used for generating extractions.
So, extract_levels are between [0, D].
- Parameters
image_size – such as (dim1, dim2, dim3)
num_channel_initial – number of initial channels.
extract_levels – from which depths the output will be built.
out_kernel_initializer – initializer to use for kernels.
out_activation – activation to use at end layer.
out_channels – number of channels for the extractions
depth – depth of the encoder. If depth is not given, depth = max(extract_levels) will be used.
use_additive_upsampling – whether use additive up-sampling layer for decoding.
pooling – for down-sampling, use non-parameterized pooling if true, otherwise use conv3d
concat_skip – when up-sampling, concatenate skipped tensor if true, otherwise use addition
name – name of the backbone.
kwargs – additional arguments.
(filters: int, kernel_size: int, padding: str) → Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer]¶ Build a block for bottom layer.
This block do not change the tensor shape (width, height, depth), it only changes the number of channels.
- Parameters
filters – number of channels for output
kernel_size – arg for conv3d
padding – arg for conv3d
- Returns
a block consists of one or multiple layers
(image_size: Tuple[int, …], extract_levels: Tuple[int, …], out_channels: int, out_kernel_initializer: str, out_activation: str) → Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer]¶ Build a block for output.
The input to this block is a list of tensors.
- Parameters
image_size – such as (dim1, dim2, dim3)
extract_levels – number of extraction levels.
out_channels – number of channels for the extractions
out_kernel_initializer – initializer to use for kernels.
out_activation – activation to use at end layer.
- Returns
a block consists of one or multiple layers
(filters: int, output_padding: Union[Tuple[int, …], int], kernel_size: Union[Tuple[int, …], int], padding: str, strides: Union[Tuple[int, …], int], output_shape: Tuple[int, …]) → Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer]¶ Build a block for up-sampling.
This block changes the tensor shape (width, height, depth), but it does not changes the number of channels.
- Parameters
filters – number of channels for output
output_padding – padding for output
kernel_size – arg for deconv3d
padding – arg for deconv3d
strides – arg for deconv3d
output_shape – shape of the output tensor
- Returns
a block consists of one or multiple layers
() → dict¶ Return the config dictionary for recreating this class.
Global Net¶
(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)¶ Build GlobalNet for image registration.
GlobalNet is a special UNet where the decoder for up-sampling is skipped. The network’s outputs come from the bottom layer from the encoder directly.
Hu, Yipeng, et al. “Label-driven weakly-supervised learning for multimodal deformable image registration,”
Image is encoded gradually, i from level 0 to E. Then, a densely-connected layer outputs an affine transformation.
- Parameters
image_size – tuple, such as (dim1, dim2, dim3)
num_channel_initial – int, number of initial channels
extract_levels – list, which levels from net to extract, deprecated. If depth is not given, depth = max(extract_levels) will be used.
depth – depth of the encoder. If given, extract_levels is not used.
name – name of the backbone.
kwargs – additional arguments.
(image_size: Tuple[int, …], extract_levels: Tuple[int, …], out_channels: int, out_kernel_initializer: str, out_activation: str) → Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer]¶ Build a block for output.
The input to this block is a list of length 1. The output has two tensors.
- Parameters
image_size – such as (dim1, dim2, dim3)
extract_levels – not used
out_channels – not used
out_kernel_initializer – not used
out_activation – not used
- Returns
a block consists of one or multiple layers
(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)¶ Class that implements an adapted 3D UNet.
O. Ronneberger, P. Fischer, and T. Brox, “U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation,”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015, vol. 9351, pp. 234–241.
Initialise UNet.
- Parameters
image_size – (dim1, dim2, dim3), dims of input image.
num_channel_initial – number of initial channels
depth – input is at level 0, bottom is at level depth.
out_kernel_initializer – kernel initializer for the last layer
out_activation – activation at the last layer
out_channels – number of channels for the output
extract_levels – list, which levels from net to extract.
pooling – for down-sampling, use non-parameterized pooling if true, otherwise use conv3d
concat_skip – when up-sampling, concatenate skipped tensor if true, otherwise use addition
encode_kernel_sizes – kernel size for down-sampling
decode_kernel_sizes – kernel size for up-sampling
encode_num_channels – filters/channels for down-sampling, by default it is doubled at each layer during down-sampling
decode_num_channels – filters/channels for up-sampling, by default it is the same as encode_num_channels
strides – strides for down-sampling
padding – padding mode for all conv layers
name – name of the backbone.
kwargs – additional arguments.
(filters: int, kernel_size: int, padding: str) → Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer]¶ Build a block for bottom layer.
This block do not change the tensor shape (width, height, depth), it only changes the number of channels.
- Parameters
filters – number of channels for output
kernel_size – arg for conv3d
padding – arg for conv3d
- Returns
a block consists of one or multiple layers
(filters: int, kernel_size: int, padding: str) → Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer]¶ Build a conv block for up-sampling
This block do not change the tensor shape (width, height, depth), it only changes the number of channels.
- Parameters
filters – number of channels for output
kernel_size – arg for conv3d
padding – arg for conv3d
- Returns
a block consists of one or multiple layers
(tensor_shapes: List[Tuple], image_size: Tuple, num_channels: Tuple, depth: int, extract_levels: Tuple[int, …], decode_kernel_sizes: Union[int, List[int]], strides: int, padding: str, out_kernel_initializer: str, out_activation: str, out_channels: int)¶ Build layers for decoding.
- Parameters
tensor_shapes – shapes calculated in encoder
image_size – (dim1, dim2, dim3).
num_channels – number of channels for each layer, starting from the top layer.
depth – network starts with d = 0, and the bottom has d = depth.
extract_levels – from which depths the output will be built.
decode_kernel_sizes – kernel size for up-sampling
strides – strides for down-sampling
padding – padding mode for all conv layers
out_kernel_initializer – initializer to use for kernels.
out_activation – activation to use at end layer.
out_channels – number of channels for the extractions
(filters: int, kernel_size: int, padding: str, strides: int) → Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer]¶ Build a block for down-sampling.
This block changes the tensor shape (width, height, depth), but it does not changes the number of channels.
- Parameters
filters – number of channels for output, arg for conv3d
kernel_size – arg for pool3d or conv3d
padding – arg for pool3d or conv3d
strides – arg for pool3d or conv3d
- Returns
a block consists of one or multiple layers
(filters: int, kernel_size: int, padding: str) → Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer]¶ Build a conv block for down-sampling
This block do not change the tensor shape (width, height, depth), it only changes the number of channels.
- Parameters
filters – number of channels for output
kernel_size – arg for conv3d
padding – arg for conv3d
- Returns
a block consists of one or multiple layers
(image_size: Tuple, num_channels: Tuple, depth: int, encode_kernel_sizes: Union[int, List[int]], strides: int, padding: str) → List[Tuple]¶ Build layers for encoding.
- Parameters
image_size – (dim1, dim2, dim3).
num_channels – number of channels for each layer, starting from the top layer.
depth – network starts with d = 0, and the bottom has d = depth.
encode_kernel_sizes – kernel size for down-sampling
strides – strides for down-sampling
padding – padding mode for all conv layers
- Returns
list of tensor shapes starting from d = 0
(image_size: tuple, num_channel_initial: int, depth: int, extract_levels: Tuple[int, …], encode_kernel_sizes: Union[int, List[int]], decode_kernel_sizes: Union[int, List[int]], encode_num_channels: Optional[Tuple], decode_num_channels: Optional[Tuple], strides: int, padding: str, out_kernel_initializer: str, out_activation: str, out_channels: int)¶ Build layers that will be used in call.
- Parameters
image_size – (dim1, dim2, dim3).
num_channel_initial – number of initial channels.
depth – network starts with d = 0, and the bottom has d = depth.
extract_levels – from which depths the output will be built.
encode_kernel_sizes – kernel size for down-sampling
decode_kernel_sizes – kernel size for up-sampling
encode_num_channels – filters/channels for down-sampling, by default it is doubled at each layer during down-sampling
decode_num_channels – filters/channels for up-sampling, by default it is the same as encode_num_channels
strides – strides for down-sampling
padding – padding mode for all conv layers
out_kernel_initializer – initializer to use for kernels.
out_activation – activation to use at end layer.
out_channels – number of channels for the extractions
(image_size: Tuple[int, …], extract_levels: Tuple[int, …], out_channels: int, out_kernel_initializer: str, out_activation: str) → Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer]¶ Build a block for output.
The input to this block is a list of tensors.
- Parameters
image_size – such as (dim1, dim2, dim3)
extract_levels – number of extraction levels.
out_channels – number of channels for the extractions
out_kernel_initializer – initializer to use for kernels.
out_activation – activation to use at end layer.
- Returns
a block consists of one or multiple layers
() → Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer]¶ Build a block for combining skipped tensor and up-sampled one.
This block do not change the tensor shape (width, height, depth), it only changes the number of channels.
The input to this block is a list of tensors.
- Returns
a block consists of one or multiple layers
(filters: int, output_padding: Union[Tuple[int, …], int], kernel_size: Union[Tuple[int, …], int], padding: str, strides: Union[Tuple[int, …], int], output_shape: Tuple[int, …]) → Union[tensorflow.keras.Model, tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer]¶ Build a block for up-sampling.
This block changes the tensor shape (width, height, depth), but it does not changes the number of channels.
- Parameters
filters – number of channels for output
output_padding – padding for output
kernel_size – arg for deconv3d
padding – arg for deconv3d
strides – arg for deconv3d
output_shape – shape of the output tensor
- Returns
a block consists of one or multiple layers
(inputs: tensorflow.Tensor, training=None, mask=None) → tensorflow.Tensor¶ Build compute graph based on built layers.
- Parameters
inputs – image batch, shape = (batch, f_dim1, f_dim2, f_dim3, ch)
training – None or bool.
mask – None or tf.Tensor.
- Returns
shape = (batch, f_dim1, f_dim2, f_dim3, out_channels)
() → dict¶ Return the config dictionary for recreating this class.