
Image Loss

Provide different loss or metrics classes for images.

class deepreg.loss.image.GlobalMutualInformation(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Differentiable global mutual information via Parzen windowing method.

y_true and y_pred have to be at least 4d tensor, including batch axis.

Reference: https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/123142,

Section 3.1, equation 3.1-3.5, Algorithm 1


  • num_bins – number of bins for intensity, the default value is empirical.

  • sigma_ratio – a hyper param for gaussian function

  • name – name of the loss

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

call(y_true: tensorflow.Tensor, y_pred: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Return loss for a batch.

  • y_true – shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3) or (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3, ch)

  • y_pred – shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3) or (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3, ch)


shape = (batch,)


Return the config dictionary for recreating this class.

class deepreg.loss.image.GlobalMutualInformationLoss(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Revert the sign of GlobalMutualInformation.

Init without required arguments.


kwargs – additional arguments.

class deepreg.loss.image.GlobalNormalizedCrossCorrelation(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Global squared zero-normalized cross-correlation.

Compute the squared cross-correlation between the reference and moving images y_true and y_pred have to be at least 4d tensor, including batch axis.



  • name – name of the loss

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

call(y_true: tensorflow.Tensor, y_pred: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Return loss for a batch.

  • y_true – shape = (batch, …)

  • y_pred – shape = (batch, …)


shape = (batch,)

class deepreg.loss.image.GlobalNormalizedCrossCorrelationLoss(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Revert the sign of GlobalNormalizedCrossCorrelation.

Init without required arguments.


kwargs – additional arguments.

class deepreg.loss.image.LocalNormalizedCrossCorrelation(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Local squared zero-normalized cross-correlation.

Denote y_true as t and y_pred as p. Consider a window having n elements. Each position in the window corresponds a weight w_i for i=1:n.

Define the discrete expectation in the window E[t] as

E[t] = sum_i(w_i * t_i) / sum_i(w_i)

Similarly, the discrete variance in the window V[t] is

V[t] = E[t**2] - E[t] ** 2

The local squared zero-normalized cross-correlation is therefore

E[ (t-E[t]) * (p-E[p]) ] ** 2 / V[t] / V[p]

where the expectation in numerator is

E[ (t-E[t]) * (p-E[p]) ] = E[t * p] - E[t] * E[p]

Different kernel corresponds to different weights.

For now, y_true and y_pred have to be at least 4d tensor, including batch axis.



  • kernel_size – int. Kernel size or kernel sigma for kernel_type=’gauss’.

  • kernel_type – str, rectangular, triangular or gaussian

  • smooth_nr – small constant added to numerator in case of zero covariance.

  • smooth_dr – small constant added to denominator in case of zero variance.

  • name – name of the loss.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

calc_ncc(y_true: tensorflow.Tensor, y_pred: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Return NCC for a batch.

The kernel should not be normalized, as normalizing them leads to computation with small values and the precision will be reduced. Here both numerator and denominator are actually multiplied by kernel volume, which helps the precision as well. However, when the variance is zero, the obtained value might be negative due to machine error. Therefore a hard-coded clipping is added to prevent division by zero.

  • y_true – shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3, 1)

  • y_pred – shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3, 1)


shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3. 1)

call(y_true: tensorflow.Tensor, y_pred: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Return loss for a batch.

TODO: support channel axis dimension > 1.

  • y_true – shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3) or (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3, 1)

  • y_pred – shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3) or (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3, 1)


shape = (batch,)


Return the config dictionary for recreating this class.

class deepreg.loss.image.LocalNormalizedCrossCorrelationLoss(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Revert the sign of LocalNormalizedCrossCorrelation.

Init without required arguments.


kwargs – additional arguments.

Label Loss

Provide different loss or metrics classes for labels.

class deepreg.loss.label.CrossEntropy(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Define weighted cross-entropy.

The formulation is:

loss = − w_fg * y_true log(y_pred) - w_bg * (1−y_true) log(1−y_pred)


  • binary – if True, project y_true, y_pred to 0 or 1

  • background_weight – weight for background, where y == 0.

  • smooth – smooth constant for log.

  • name – name of the loss.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

call(y_true: tensorflow.Tensor, y_pred: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Return loss for a batch.

  • y_true – shape = (batch, …)

  • y_pred – shape = (batch, …)


shape = (batch,)


Return the config dictionary for recreating this class.

class deepreg.loss.label.CrossEntropyLoss(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Define loss with multi-scaling options.


  • scales – list of scalars or None, if None, do not apply any scaling.

  • kernel – gaussian or cauchy.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

class deepreg.loss.label.DiceLoss(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Revert the sign of DiceScore and support multi-scaling options.

Init without required arguments.


kwargs – additional arguments.

class deepreg.loss.label.DiceScore(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Define dice score.

The formulation is:

  1. w_fg + w_bg = 1

  2. let y_prod = y_true * y_pred and y_sum = y_true + y_pred

  3. num = 2 * (w_fg * y_true * y_pred + w_bg * (1−y_true) * (1−y_pred))

    = 2 * ((w_fg+w_bg) * y_prod - w_bg * y_sum + w_bg) = 2 * (y_prod - w_bg * y_sum + w_bg)

  4. denom = (w_fg * (y_true + y_pred) + w_bg * (1−y_true + 1−y_pred))

    = (w_fg-w_bg) * y_sum + 2 * w_bg = (1-2*w_bg) * y_sum + 2 * w_bg

  5. dice score = num / denom

where num and denom are summed over all axes except the batch axis.


Sudre, Carole H., et al. “Generalised dice overlap as a deep learning loss function for highly unbalanced segmentations.” Deep learning in medical image analysis and multimodal learning for clinical decision support. Springer, Cham, 2017. 240-248.


  • binary – if True, project y_true, y_pred to 0 or 1.

  • background_weight – weight for background, where y == 0.

  • smooth_nr – small constant added to numerator in case of zero covariance.

  • smooth_dr – small constant added to denominator in case of zero variance.

  • name – name of the loss.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

call(y_true: tensorflow.Tensor, y_pred: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Return loss for a batch.

  • y_true – shape = (batch, …)

  • y_pred – shape = (batch, …)


shape = (batch,)


Return the config dictionary for recreating this class.

class deepreg.loss.label.JaccardIndex(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Define Jaccard index.

The formulation is: 1. num = y_true * y_pred 2. denom = y_true + y_pred - y_true * y_pred 3. Jaccard index = num / denom

  1. w_fg + w_bg = 1

  2. let y_prod = y_true * y_pred and y_sum = y_true + y_pred

  3. num = (w_fg * y_true * y_pred + w_bg * (1−y_true) * (1−y_pred))

    = ((w_fg+w_bg) * y_prod - w_bg * y_sum + w_bg) = (y_prod - w_bg * y_sum + w_bg)

  4. denom = (w_fg * (y_true + y_pred - y_true * y_pred)
    • w_bg * (1−y_true + 1−y_pred - (1−y_true) * (1−y_pred)))

    = w_fg * (y_sum - y_prod) + w_bg * (1-y_prod) = (1-w_bg) * y_sum - y_prod + w_bg

  5. dice score = num / denom


  • binary – if True, project y_true, y_pred to 0 or 1.

  • background_weight – weight for background, where y == 0.

  • smooth_nr – small constant added to numerator in case of zero covariance.

  • smooth_dr – small constant added to denominator in case of zero variance.

  • name – name of the loss.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

call(y_true: tensorflow.Tensor, y_pred: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Return loss for a batch.

  • y_true – shape = (batch, …)

  • y_pred – shape = (batch, …)


shape = (batch,)

class deepreg.loss.label.JaccardLoss(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Revert the sign of JaccardIndex.

Init without required arguments.


kwargs – additional arguments.

class deepreg.loss.label.SumSquaredDifference(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Actually, mean of squared distance between y_true and y_pred.

The inconsistent name was for convention.

y_true and y_pred have to be at least 1d tensor, including batch axis.


  • name – name of the loss.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

call(y_true: tensorflow.Tensor, y_pred: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Return mean squared different for a batch.

  • y_true – shape = (batch, …)

  • y_pred – shape = (batch, …)


shape = (batch,)

class deepreg.loss.label.SumSquaredDifferenceLoss(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Define loss with multi-scaling options.


  • scales – list of scalars or None, if None, do not apply any scaling.

  • kernel – gaussian or cauchy.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

deepreg.loss.label.compute_centroid(mask: tensorflow.Tensor, grid: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Calculate the centroid of the mask. :param mask: shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3) :param grid: shape = (1, dim1, dim2, dim3, 3) :return: shape = (batch, 3), batch of vectors denoting

location of centroids.

deepreg.loss.label.compute_centroid_distance(y_true: tensorflow.Tensor, y_pred: tensorflow.Tensor, grid: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Calculate the L2-distance between two tensors’ centroids. :param y_true: tensor, shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3) :param y_pred: tensor, shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3) :param grid: tensor, shape = (1, dim1, dim2, dim3, 3) :return: shape = (batch,)

deepreg.loss.label.foreground_proportion(y: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Calculate the percentage of foreground vs background per 3d volume. :param y: shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3), a 3D label tensor :return: shape = (batch,)

Deformation Loss

Provide regularization functions and classes for ddf.

class deepreg.loss.deform.BendingEnergy(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Calculate the bending energy of ddf using central finite difference.

y_true and y_pred have to be at least 5d tensor, including batch axis.


  • name – name of the loss.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

call(inputs: tensorflow.Tensor, **kwargs)tensorflow.Tensor

Return a scalar loss.

  • inputs – shape = (batch, m_dim1, m_dim2, m_dim3, 3)

  • kwargs – additional arguments.


shape = (batch, )

class deepreg.loss.deform.GradientNorm(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Calculate the L1/L2 norm of ddf using central finite difference.

y_true and y_pred have to be at least 5d tensor, including batch axis.


  • l1 – bool true if calculate L1 norm, otherwise L2 norm

  • name – name of the loss

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

call(inputs: tensorflow.Tensor, **kwargs)tensorflow.Tensor

Return a scalar loss.

  • inputs – shape = (batch, m_dim1, m_dim2, m_dim3, 3)

  • kwargs – additional arguments.


shape = (batch, )


Return the config dictionary for recreating this class.

deepreg.loss.deform.gradient_dx(fx: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Calculate gradients on x-axis of a 3D tensor using central finite difference.

It moves the tensor along axis 1 to calculate the approximate gradient, the x axis, dx[i] = (x[i+1] - x[i-1]) / 2.


fx – shape = (batch, m_dim1, m_dim2, m_dim3)


shape = (batch, m_dim1-2, m_dim2-2, m_dim3-2)

deepreg.loss.deform.gradient_dxyz(fxyz: tensorflow.Tensor, fn: Callable)tensorflow.Tensor

Calculate gradients on x,y,z-axis of a tensor using central finite difference.

The gradients are calculated along x, y, z separately then stacked together.

  • fxyz – shape = (…, 3)

  • fn – function to call


shape = (…, 3)

deepreg.loss.deform.gradient_dy(fy: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Calculate gradients on y-axis of a 3D tensor using central finite difference.

It moves the tensor along axis 2 to calculate the approximate gradient, the y axis, dy[i] = (y[i+1] - y[i-1]) / 2.


fy – shape = (batch, m_dim1, m_dim2, m_dim3)


shape = (batch, m_dim1-2, m_dim2-2, m_dim3-2)

deepreg.loss.deform.gradient_dz(fz: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Calculate gradients on z-axis of a 3D tensor using central finite difference.

It moves the tensor along axis 3 to calculate the approximate gradient, the z axis, dz[i] = (z[i+1] - z[i-1]) / 2.


fz – shape = (batch, m_dim1, m_dim2, m_dim3)


shape = (batch, m_dim1-2, m_dim2-2, m_dim3-2)

Loss Util

Provide helper functions or classes for defining loss or metrics.

class deepreg.loss.util.MultiScaleMixin(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Mixin class for multi-scale loss.

It applies the loss at different scales (gaussian or cauchy smoothing). It is assumed that loss values are between 0 and 1.


  • scales – list of scalars or None, if None, do not apply any scaling.

  • kernel – gaussian or cauchy.

  • kwargs – additional arguments.

call(y_true: tensorflow.Tensor, y_pred: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Use super().call to calculate loss at different scales.

  • y_true – ground-truth tensor, shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3).

  • y_pred – predicted tensor, shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3).


multi-scale loss, shape = (batch, ).


Return the config dictionary for recreating this class.

class deepreg.loss.util.NegativeLossMixin(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Mixin class to revert the sign of the loss value.

Init without required arguments.


kwargs – additional arguments.

call(y_true: tensorflow.Tensor, y_pred: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Revert the sign of loss.

  • y_true – ground-truth tensor.

  • y_pred – predicted tensor.


negated loss.

deepreg.loss.util.separable_filter(tensor: tensorflow.Tensor, kernel: tensorflow.Tensor)tensorflow.Tensor

Create a 3d separable filter.

Here tf.nn.conv3d accepts the filters argument of shape (filter_depth, filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels), where the first axis of filters is the depth not batch, and the input to tf.nn.conv3d is of shape (batch, in_depth, in_height, in_width, in_channels).

  • tensor – shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3, 1)

  • kernel – shape = (dim4,)


shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3, 1)