Custom loss function

This tutorial will take an image intensity based loss function (mutual information) as an example to show how to add a new loss to DeepReg.

A brief review of the types of loss functions in DeepReg

Three main types of the loss functions are supported in DeepReg: intensity (image) based loss, label based loss and deformation loss. See Docs here for details. The corresponding source files for the losses is included in deepreg/model/loss.

Step 1: Add the new function in loss source code

The first step is to add your own loss function, which should take at least 2 parameters, y_true for the ground truth and y_pred for the prediction. e.g. in deepreg/model/loss/ The loss can be defined as:

def global_mutual_information(y_true: tf.Tensor, y_pred: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
    differentiable global mutual information loss via Parzen windowing method.
    reference:, Section 3.1, equation 3.1-3.5
    :y_true: shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3, ch)
    :y_pred: shape = (batch, dim1, dim2, dim3, ch)
    :return: shape = (batch,)
    return tf.reduce_sum(pab * tf.math.log(pab / papb + eps), axis=[1, 2])

In order to be compatible with the pipeline in DeepReg, another modification is needed in deeepreg/model/loss/ The modification is simply adding an elif branch to the dissimilarity_fn function. The following code block shows the added elif branch where we use "gmi" to represent the global mutual information:

def dissimilarity_fn(
    y_true: tf.Tensor, y_pred: tf.Tensor, name: str, **kwargs
) -> tf.Tensor:
    :param y_true: fixed_image, shape = (batch, f_dim1, f_dim2, f_dim3)
    :param y_pred: warped_moving_image, shape = (batch, f_dim1, f_dim2, f_dim3)
    :param name: name of the dissimilarity function
    :param kwargs: absorb additional parameters
    :return: shape = (batch,)
    assert name in ["lncc", "ssd", "gmi"]
    # shape = (batch, f_dim1, f_dim2, f_dim3, 1)
    y_true = tf.expand_dims(y_true, axis=4)
    y_pred = tf.expand_dims(y_pred, axis=4)
    if name == "lncc":
        return -local_normalized_cross_correlation(y_true, y_pred, **kwargs)
    elif name == "ssd":
        return ssd(y_true, y_pred)
    elif name == "gmi":
        return -global_mutual_information(y_true, y_pred)
        raise ValueError("Unknown loss type.")

Step 2: Add test functions (for contributing developers, optional for users)

Add corresponding unit test for the new added functions to deepreg/test/unit. This is optional for the users. Everyone is warmly welcome to make contribution to DeepReg. Please follow our contribution guidelines here.

Step 3: Set yaml configuration files

We take the paired prostate MR and Ultrasound registration demo as an example. In order to use the newly added loss, all that is needed is to modify the loss configuration in the train configuration file paired_mrus_prostate_train.yaml (lines 10-15):

# define the loss function for training
        name: "gmi"
        weight: 1.0

That’s it. Follow the instructions in the demo to begin training with the newly added loss.