
In DeepReg, we use pytest (not unittest) for unit tests to ensure a certain code quality and to facilitate the code maintenance.

The testing is checked via Travis-CI and Codecov is used to monitor the test coverage. While checking the Codecov report in file mode, generally a line highlighted by red means it is not covered by test. Please check the Codecov documentation for more details.

Test requirement

We would like to achieve 100% test coverage. In general, tests should be

  • thorough, covering different scenarios.

  • independent, different scenarios are not tested together.

  • clean and compact, for instance,

The detailed requirements are as follows:

  • Test all functions in python classes.

  • Test the trigger of all warning and errors in functions.

  • Test the correctness of output values for functions.

  • Test at least the correctness of output shapes for TensorFlow functions.

Example unit test

We provide here an example to help understanding the requirements.

import pytest
import logging

def subtract(x: int) -> int:
    A function subtracts one from a non-negative integer.
    :param x: a non-negative integer
    :return: x - 1
    assert isinstance(x, int), f"input {x} is not int"
    assert x >= 0, f"input {x} is negative"
    if x == 0:
        logging.warning("input is zero")
    return x - 1

class TestSubtract:
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("x,expected",[(0, -1), (1,0)])
    def test_value(self, x, expected):
        got = subtract(x=x)
        assert got == expected

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("x,msg", [(-1, "is negative"), (0.0, "is not int")])
    def test_err(self, x, msg):
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as err_info:
        assert msg in str(err_info.value)

    def test_warning(self, caplog):
        caplog.clear() # clear previous log
        assert "input is zero" in caplog.text


  • we group multiple test functions for subtract under the same class TestSubtract.

  • we parameterize test to test different inputs.

  • we catch errors using pytest.raises and check error messages.

  • we check warning message using caplog.

For further usage like fixture and other functionalities, please check pytest documentation or existing tests in DeepReg. You can also raise an issue for any questions.