
To facilitate review of contributions, we encourage contributors to adhere to the following commit guidelines.

  1. The commit message should start with Issue #<issue number>: so that the commits are tied to a specific issue.

    • Good:

      Issue #1: modified resample function docstring to reflect changes in function args
    • Moderate/OK:

      Inconsistent commit style.

      ref #<issue number>: modified resample function docstring to reflect changes in function args
    • Bad:

      Missing issue number.

      modified resample function docstring to reflect changes in function args
  1. Include related changes in the same commit, where possible, For example, if multiple typos are spotted in a document, aim to resolve them in the same commit instead of separate commits. This improves history readability.

  • Good:

    One commit for the same type of problem

    Issue #<issue number>: fixed typos in function x
  • Bad:

    Multiple commits of the same message in the same thread. Clutters repo history.

  1. Strive to add informative commit messages.

  • Good:

    Issue #<issue number>: removed unused arguments across function x in loops to comply with PEP8 standard in file y
    Issue #<issue number>: added new data loader class inheriting from base class to deal with np array file format
  • Not acceptable:

    Not enough details, hard to tell explicitly what was changed without doing an in depth review.

    Issue #<issue number>: lint
    Issue #<issue number>: add loader