Unpaired hippocampus MR registration

Note: Please read the DeepReg Demo Disclaimer.

Source Code


DeepReg Development Team (Adrià Casamitjana)


This is a demo targeting the alignment of hippocampal substructures (head and body) using mono-modal MR images between different patients. The images are cropped around those areas and manually annotated. This is a 3D intra-modal registration using a composite loss of image and label similarity.


  • Install DeepReg;

  • Change current directory to the root directory of DeepReg project;

  • The demo_data.py, demo_train.py and demo_predict.py scripts need to be run using the following command:

python3 demos/unpaired_mr_brain/script_name.py

A short description of the scripts is provided below. The scripts must be run in the following order:

  • (Optional) Create a new configuration file following the template in demos/unpaired_mr_brain/unpaired_mr_brain.yaml. It specifies:

    • Dataset options: input data directory, loader type, data format

    • Model options: backbone network, field type.

    • Training options: losses, optimizer, number of epochs.

  • Run the demo_data.py script: This script does the following:

    • Download and extract the dataset. Data is downloaded to the demo directory under data/ but this can be changed (instructions in the comments in the script).

    • Split subjects into train/test according to the challenge website.

    • Rescale all images to 0-255 so they are suitable for use with DeepReg

    • Create and apply a binary mask to mask-out the padded values in images.

    • Transform label volumes using one-hot encoding (only for foreground classes)

  • Run the demo_train.py script: This script does the following:

    • Specify the training options like GPU support

    • Specify the config file paths

    • Train a network using DeepReg

  • Run the demo_predict.py script: This script does the following:

    • Use the trained network to make predictions for the test set

    • Use the predictions to plot the results (the path to the images generated in the logs will need to be specified, look at comments in the script to change this)

Pre-trained Model

A pre-trained model will be downloaded after running demo_data.py and unzipped at the dataset folder under the demo folder. This pre-trained model will be used by default with deepreg_predict. Run the user-trained model by specifying with --ckpt_path the location where the ckpt files will be saved, in this case (specified by deepreg_train as above), /logs/learn2reg_t4_unpaired_train_logs/.


The dataset for this demo comes from the Learn2Reg MICCAI Challenge (Task 4) [1] and can be downloaded from:


Tested DeepReg version

Last commit at which demo was tested: v. 0.1.6-alpha


Please raise an issue.


[1] AL Simpson et al., A large annotated medical image dataset for the development and evaluation of segmentation algorithms (2019). https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.09063