Paired brain MR-ultrasound registration

Note: Please read the DeepReg Demo Disclaimer.

Source Code


DeepReg Development Team (Shaheer Saeed)


This demo aims to register pairs of brain MR and ultrasound scans. The dataset consists of 22 subjects with low-grade brain gliomas who underwent brain tumour resection [1]. The main application for this type of registration is to better delineate brain tumour boundaries during surgery and correct tissue shift induced by the craniotomy.


  • Install DeepReg;

  • Change current directory to the root directory of DeepReg project;

  • The, and scripts need to be run using the following command:

python3 demos/paired_mrus_brain/

A short description of the scripts is provided below. The scripts must be run in the following order:

  • Run the script: This script does the following:

    • Download a reduced copy of the dataset which has already been preprocessed

    • Download a pretrained model for use with the predict function

    • Note: This script can also be used to work with the full dataset by uncommenting the relevant sections in the script (please read the scripts’ comments to see how to download the full dataset)

  • Run the script: This script does the following:

    • Specify the training options like GPU support

    • Specify the config file paths (to define both the network config available in DeepReg and the data config given in the demo folder)

    • Train a network using DeepReg

  • Run the script: This script does the following:

    • Use the pretrained network to make predictions for the test set

    • Use the predicitions to plot the results (the images path generated in the logs will need to be specified)

  • Note: The number of epochs and reduced dataset size for training will result in a loss in test accuracy so please train with the full dataset and for a greater number of epochs for improved results.

Pre-trained Model

A pre-trained model will be downloaded after running and unzipped at the dataset folder under the demo folder. This pre-trained model will be used by default with deepreg_predict. Run the user-trained model by specifying with --ckpt_path the location where the ckpt files will be saved, in this case (specified by deepreg_train as above), /logs/learn2reg_t1_paired_train_logs/.


The dataset for this demo comes from Xiao et al. [1] and can be downloaded from:

Tested DeepReg version

Last commit at which demo was tested: c709a46c345552ae1396e6d7ba46a44f7950aea0


Please raise an issue.


[1] Y. Xiao, M. Fortin, G. Unsgård , H. Rivaz, and I. Reinertsen, “REtroSpective Evaluation of Cerebral Tumors (RESECT): a clinical database of pre-operative MRI and intra-operative ultrasound in low-grade glioma surgeries”. Medical Physics, Vol. 44(7), pp. 3875-3882, 2017.