Add a DeepReg Demo

The demos folder directly under the DeepReg root directory contains demonstrations using DeepReg for different image registration applications.

Contributions are welcome! Below is a set of requirements for a demo to be included as a DeepReg Demo.

  • Each demo must have an independent folder directly under demos/;

  • Name the folder as [loader-type]_[image-modality]_[organ-disease]_[optional:brief-remark], e.g. unpaired_ultrasound_prostate or grouped_mr_brain_longitudinal;

  • For simplicity, avoid sub-folders (other than those specified below) and separate files for additional functions/classes;

  • Experiment using cross-validation or advanced data set sampling is NOT encouraged, unless the purpose of the demo is to demonstrate how to design experiments.

Open accessible data

  • Each demo must have a script to automatically download and preprocess demo data;

  • Data should be downloaded under the demo folder named dataset;

  • Data should be hosted in a reliable and efficient (DeepReg repo will not store demo data or model) online storage, Kaggle, GitHub and Zendoo are all options for non-login access (avoid google drive for known accessibility issues);

  • Relevant dataset folder structure to utilise the supported loaders can be either pre-arranged in data source or scripted in after downloading;

  • Avoid slow and excessively large data set download. Consider downloading a subset as default for demonstration purpose, with options for full data set.

Pre-trained model

  • A pre-trained model must be available for downloading, with being preferred for storing the models. Please contact the Development Team for access;

  • The pre-trained model, e.g. ckpt files, should be downloaded and extracted under the dataset folder. Avoid overwriting with user-trained models;


  • Each demo must have a script. If using command line interface deepreg_train, this file needs to print a message to direct the user to the file (described below) for instructions;

  • This is accompanied by one or more config yaml files in the same folder. If appropriate, please use the same demo folder name for the config file. Add postfix if using multiple config files, e.g. unpaired_lung_ct_dataset.yaml, unpaired_lung_ct_train.yaml.


  • Each demo must have a script; If using command line interface deepreg_predict, this file needs to print a message to direct users to the file (described below) for instructions;

  • By default, the pre-trained model should be used in However, the instruction should be clearly given to use the user-trained model, saved with the;

  • Report registration results. Provide at least one piece of numerical metric (Dice, distance error, etc) to show the efficacy of the registration. Optimum performance is not required;

  • Provide at least one piece of visualisation of the results, such as moving image vs fixed image vs warped moving image (pred_fixed_image). This may be simply done by selecting the typical results from the predict output. If possible, save the visualisation to (e.g. png/jpg) files, avoiding compatibility issues. Pointing to the relevant file paths generated using deepreg_predict is recommended.

A file

The markdown file must be provided as an entry point for each demo, which should be based on the template.

Following is a checklist for modifying the README template:

  • Modify the link to source code;

  • Modify the author section;

  • Modify the application section;

  • Modify the data section;

  • Modify the steps in instruction section;

  • Modify the pre-trained model section;

  • Modify the tested version;

  • Modify the reference section.